On Demand - United Against COVID-19: Insights from Italy


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Published: 3/27/2020

The HBA community comes together during this challenging time to learn from and support each other. The first case of coronavirus in Italy was reported on 21 February 2020. As of Wednesday, 18 March 2020, nationwide in Italy, there were 35,713 cases, of which 4,025 recovered and 2,978 died. (https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/italy/)

Our HBA community in Italy has graciously offer to share their experiences-from different locations in Italy and help the United States and other countries understand and act in response to COVID-19.

Our Speakers will be Maria Rompf, Indianapolis, Annabella Amatulli, Simona Cardei, Silvia Ceragioli, Gaia Legori

"The population's (in Italy) calm response to the restrictive rules imposed by the government, the experience gained in the management of critically ill patients and the rumors of new treatments for the infection are grounds for hope. Perhaps the containment measures will work, and the news at the end of the week will be good. But for now, we are in the thick of tragedy." Wrote Marco Pavesi an anesthesiologist in Italy in an New York Times opinion on 18 March 2020. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/18/opinion/coronavirus-italy.html?searchResultPosition=1